Married Priests
Married Priests MARRIED PRIESTS There are thousands of validly married Roman Catholic priests, members of the Eastern Rite (not Eastern Orthodox) churches that do not have a vow of celibacy.…
Married Priests MARRIED PRIESTS There are thousands of validly married Roman Catholic priests, members of the Eastern Rite (not Eastern Orthodox) churches that do not have a vow of celibacy.…
Mariolatry MARIOLATRY The name given to excessive Roman Catholic devotion to Mary.
Joseph Campbell Mything The M JOSEPH CAMPBELL - MYTHING THE MARK by Richard Pyle Joseph Campbell, author of books about myths and subject of the PBS series The Power of…
Is Satanism Linked To Crimes IS SATANISM LINKED TO CRIMES? by Thomas D. Elias, Scripps Howard News Service . San Francisco - From small towns like Sanford, ME. and big…
Is Roman Catholicism Christian IS ROMAN CATHOLICISM CHRISTIAN? by Doug Kuepper To many Christians, such a question is outrageous. But what if I would have asked, "Is Mormonism Christian?" To…
Images IMAGES BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Roman Catholic church claims that those who kneel before images are praying to the saints represented by them. However, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "The…
New Age Harmonies New Age Harmonies . The following article appeared in the December 7, 1987 issue of TIME Magazine. Entitled "NEW AGE HARMONIES", it outlines many of the beliefs…
New Age An overview THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT An Overview STRUCTURE ... . If you have heard the song, "Aquarius" by, "The 5th Dimension" from the musical Hair, then you…
Mysticism in America Mysticism in America . "The main fight, make no mistake," said theologian Nels Ferre in 1961, "is between the Christian faith in its inner, classical meaning and…