Charles Curran

Charles Curran CHARLES CURRAN SECULAR JOURNALS From THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, 8/19/86. "VATICAN STRIPS THEOLOGIAN'S CREDENTIALS FOR HIS DISSENT. The Vatican on Monday (81/18) stripped the Rev. Charles Curran, a leading…

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Character CHARACTER BASIC R.C. BELIEF Character is the invisible, indellible mark imprinted on the soul at Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders. Theologians commonly teach that this character remains on the…



Candles CANDLES BASIC R.C. BELIEF The beeswax used in candles typifies the purity of Christ. Candles are used in every Mass, and are blessed at a special ceremony on February…


Bahai 4

Bahai 4 eventually disappeared from the scene. In the early 20th century Baha'i missionary efforts began to take hold in Western lands. Abdul Baha himself was able to personally promote…

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Divorce DIVORCE BASIC R.C. BELIEF According to Roman Catholic Teaching, the State has the power to regulate marriages, but no power to grant divorce. This is still the backbone of…



Contrition CONTRITION BASIC R.C. BELIEF An Act of Contrition is a devotion that verbalizes the sorrow for sin necessary for forgiveness. It is an integral part of the Sacrament of…



Confirmation CONFIRMATION BASIC R.C. BELIEF A Sacrament administered to Roman Catholics after through preparation, from about 7 years old. It confers Grace on baptized persons, making them "strong and perfect…
