Coredemptress Coredemptrix

Coredemptress Coredemptrix CO-REDEMPTRESS (CO-REDEMPTRIX) BASIC R.C. BELIEF About the time that Mariology was beginning to develop in the Church, there was a segment of Roman Catholic theology that regarded Mary…

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Celibacy CELIBACY BASIC R.C. BELIEF Celibacy, or remaining in an unmarried state, is a law of the church for her clergy. It was followed by some as early as the…


Cardinal Newman

Cardinal Newman CARDINAL NEWMAN From his DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE, page 359. "Incense, lamps, candles, votive offerings, holy water, vestments, images, are all of pagan origin."

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Apocrypha APOCRYPHA BASIC R.C. BELIEF The books called, by Protestants, the Apocrypha, are called deuterocanonical by the Roman Catholics, and are: Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, I and II Maccabees.…


Anglical Orders

Anglical Orders ANGLICAL ORDERS BASIC R.C. BELIEF In the encyclical APOSTOLICAL CURAE, September 13, 1896, Pope Leo XIII wrote, "We pronounce and declare that ordinations carried out according to the…

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Albigenses ALBIGENSES Pope Innocent III ordered a crusade against the Albigenses in 1208 which resulted in the extermination and dispersal of this group. Recent Roman Catholic history of the Albigenses…


Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei AGNUS DEI BASIC R.C. BELIEF (a) A sacramental of the Roman Catholic Church - a small, round, and flat fragment of Paschal candle impressed with the figure of…

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A press release on DnD

A press release on DnD PRESS RELEASE FROM WASHINGTON . A four-page press release was issued recently, including the following: . The role-playing game, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), has been…

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