Election Of Popes

Election Of Popes ELECTION OF POPES BASIC R.C. BELIEFS The Bishop of Rome used to be chosen by the people of Rome, then by the priests. Since 1059 the electoral…

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Death Of A Catholic

Death Of A Catholic The Death of a Catholic I know I`m dying. No one has told me, but they don`t have to. Somehow, I know it`s true. Yet I…

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Christ CHRIST CHRISTIAN COMMENT A Greek word meaning anointed, used to designate God's Anointed One, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word is Messiah, and the Christ of the Bible…


Catholicism For The New Age

Catholicism For The New Age Copyright 1993 by the Christian Research Institute. COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of the Christian Research Institute. It may not be…

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Breviary BREVIARY BASIC R.C. BELIEF The book from which the priest reads the Office - prayers, hymns, scripture verses, saints' lives and parts of sermons by Church Fathers. The Office…



Babylon BABYLON BASIC R.C. BELIEF A symbolic name for Rome. Peter's writing from there (I Peter 5:13) proves he was Bishop of Rome. References to Babylon (Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 17:5;…
