Cult Of Error The Way
Cult Of Error The Way Cult of Error THE WAY You are approached on the street by a young man with a Bible. A member of the Jesus movement? He…
Cult Of Error The Way Cult of Error THE WAY You are approached on the street by a young man with a Bible. A member of the Jesus movement? He…
Charismatic Catholics0 Charismatic Catholics This article was put up with the gracious permission of Bill Jackson who is the head of the Christians Evangelizing Catholics organization. You may get his…
Casuistry CASUISTRY BASIC R.C. BELIEF The science followed by moral theologians in solving moral problems. This often leads to incorrect conclusions; Roman Catholic casuists often apply humanistic moral ethics that…
Cardinal John Oconnor CARDINAL JOHN O'CONNOR SECULAR JOURNALS From THE NEWS TRIBUNE, Tacoma, WA 3/15/87. "OUR JOHN. John O'Connor: outspoken, but moving on the same wavelength as Pope John Paul.…
Beatification BEATIFICATION BASIC R.C. BELIEF A preliminary step toward canonization. After investigation of life and writings, and the certification of at least two miracles through the saint's intercession, the Holy…
Authority Of The Church AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH BASIC R.C. BELIEF Popes and bishops, as lawful successors of the Apostles, have power from Christ to teach, sanctify and govern the…
Are Some Roman Catholics Saved Are some Roman Catholics Saved? "Do you believe that there are some Roman Catholics that are saved?" is a question often asked us. "Surely, there…
Anti Christ ANTI CHRIST CHRISTIAN COMMENT From PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, Bunyan. "As for the other (pope), though he is alive he is, by reason of age and also of the many…
Ancestor Worship ANCESTOR WORSHIP The ancestors' power of conferring health and prosperity is derived from a superior spiritual being to whom the dead have access. Ancestors mediate between living human…