Grace Statement
Fruit of Grace copy & distribute freely © Feb./99 In the sharing of Christ's glorious gospel, Behold; His requirement of our repentance and supreme commands of love toward Him…
Fruit of Grace copy & distribute freely © Feb./99 In the sharing of Christ's glorious gospel, Behold; His requirement of our repentance and supreme commands of love toward Him…
God's creativity - More than Intelligent Design God's creativity - More than Intelligent Design Uniqueness, purpose and function...But from the beginning of creation, "God made them male and female.' Revelation…
We reap what we sow by Dave on 2001-02-23 00:05:28 Let's see, I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained she didn't want any prayer in our schools, And…
Soc(Save Our Children) Prayer for Thursday by christina on 2001-03-08 00:49:13 DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER WE COME BEFORE YOU ASKING YOU TO WASH US IN YOUR BLOOD, SO THAT WE MIGHT…
Make a free trip in Xian as an English teacher! by Anonymous on 2001-06-06 00:04:41 Hi! I'm an English teacher in China.I teach English at my home in my spare…
The President of the United States needs you! by Member on 2001-10-04 06:08:08 The Office of the Presidential Prayer Team has asked that I relay this information to my friends…
Special Election Today Special Election Today Satan, his demons and followers vs. Jehovah, Jesus and the Christians Satan, his demons and followers ON MURDER (ABORTION, KILLING ANOTHER HUMAN) Murder is…
IT'S A FINE LINE . . . by Kathy on 2001-07-21 07:59:08 "Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity." Job 31:6 When my…
The pinnacle of evolutionary science The pinnacle of evolutionary science It seems to me that evolutionary science can only get a start from men who discount the reality of God.…
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible Philippians 1:1 To all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons. The persons to whom this epistle…