Page 40
Page 40 leading of the Lord into God's moral will--will never contradict the written Word of God. It will never contradict the revelation of Christ that is revealed in the…
Page 40 leading of the Lord into God's moral will--will never contradict the written Word of God. It will never contradict the revelation of Christ that is revealed in the…
Page 39 person . . . it was Christ. The Scriptures are a witness to the moral will of God. The Old Testament reveals the will of God as it…
Page 38 can often perceive things outside of natural means. As I look at the New Testament carefully, I discover the same principle. Whenever you find the leading of the…
Page 37 and self-sacrificing on the other. Even in my life today, the leadership of the Holy Spirit virtually always involves one of two things: Serving and ministering to others…
Page 36 to your mind, and instinctively, you know you are to call them, reach out to them, or pray for them. Or someone asks you for a favor, and…
Page 35 Following the leadership of the indwelling Spirit is a vast topic. We can write an entire book on the subject. But I would like to say a few…
Page 34 Covenant law where we try to discover the rules of God in the Bible and then do our best to carry them out. That is Old Covenant living.…
Page 33 An Inward Discovery In the Old Testament, God gave His people a very detailed map of His moral will for them. Israel had 613 laws by which to…
Page 32 answering me. I believe it's because we already know the answer. It's your choice. The Lord said we may freely eat from any tree in the garden except…
Page 31 Adam gets alone and lifts his eyes to the heavens and says, ,Lord, the wife that you gave me says that she doesn't know which fruit to use…