What the Bible says about the: ‘Nature of God‘
What the Bible says about the: 'Nature of God ' Mary Baker Eddy says that God is impersonal and pantheistic: 'Life. Truth. Love. Principle. Mind. Intelligence, etc.' God is a…
What the Bible says about the: 'Nature of God ' Mary Baker Eddy says that God is impersonal and pantheistic: 'Life. Truth. Love. Principle. Mind. Intelligence, etc.' God is a…
What the Bible says about the: 'Trinity and Deity of Christ ' Christ was 'I AM' (Mary Baker says that only God is I AM) John 8:58,59 Before Abraham ,…
What the Bible says about the: 'Trinity and Deity of Christ ' The Son, in the likeness of flesh, was His eternal Word/Wisdom John 1:1, 14,18 In the beginning was…
What the Bible says about the: 'Trinity and Deity of Christ ' Trinity Gen 1:26 Let us make man Gen 11:7 let us go down Isaiah 6:8 who will go…
What hard evidence says about: 'The Authenticity of the Bible' Early Translations known to exist: Syrian 150 AD Old Syriac 150 - 250 AD Syriac Peshitta 400 - 450 AD…
What hard evidence says about: 'The Authenticity of the Bible' Where are the manuscripts today?: John Ryland MS-130 AD John Rylands Library in Manchester, England Bodmar Papyrus II - 150-200…
What hard evidence says about: 'The Authenticity of the Bible' Old Testament: Oldest Hebrew Manuscript dated approx 900 AD Time gap is about 1300 years Reliability about same as other…
What hard evidence says about: 'The Authenticity of the Bible' Textual Variations: Total # words Lines in doubt % VAR Homer's Illiad 15,600 764 5% Bible 20,000 40 1/2 %…
What hard evidence says about: 'The Authenticity of the Bible' New Testament Manuscripts: over 24300 manuscripts in existence including: 5300 Greek manuscripts 10000 Latin early manuscripts Comparable Manuscripts: Text Date…
What the Bible says about the: 'Inspiration and Authority of the Bible' Authority Psalm 119:140 Thy word is very pure Isaiah 40:8 the word of our God shall stand forever…