Christian Science: History
Christian Science: History 1882 Mary Baker Eddy (in Boston Post - June 5, 1882) accuses former students of poisoning Asa Baker with 'malicious mesmerism' Current Christian Science members would like…
Christian Science: History 1882 Mary Baker Eddy (in Boston Post - June 5, 1882) accuses former students of poisoning Asa Baker with 'malicious mesmerism' Current Christian Science members would like…
Christian Science: History 1875 Mary publishes of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' moves from Stoughtan, MA to Lynn, MA, begins teaching her writings. Later moves from Lynn…
Christian Science: History 1866 (one month after Quimby's death) Mary Baker Eddy falls allegedly causing near death condition, from which she was given three days to live. On third day,…
Christian Science: History 1821 Mary Ann Baker born in Bow, NH 1821 - Mary Ann Baker has many illnesses throughout 1843 childhood. 1843 Mary marries George Glover, who dies of…
What the Bible says about the: False Prophets like Jehovah's Witness Matt 24:23 If any man say, 'here is Christ, or there, believe it not' False prophets will show great…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Kingdom of Heaven' Zech 14:4 Christ kingdom is established upon his physical return
Jehovah's Witnesses: Doctrine of 'Kingdom of Heaven' Jehovah's Witnesses quote Rev 7:4 and Rev 14: 1-3 to assert that only 144,000 will rule with Jesus in the heavenly sphere. They…
Jehovah's Witnesses: Doctrine of 'Kingdom of Heaven' Russell predicted in 1880: the end of 2520 year period ends in 1914 kingdom of God by Christ Jesus would be established world…
Jehovah's Witnesses: Doctrine of 'Kingdom of Heaven' If it is to be a heavenly kingdom, who will be the subject of its rule? In the invisible realm angelic hosts, myriads…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Atonement' Lev 17: 11 the blood maketh atonement for the soul Heb 9:22 without the shedding of blood, there is no remission…