What the Bible says about the… Doctrine of ‘Baptism’
What the Bible says about the... Doctrine of 'Baptism' 1. Acts 2:38-39 Repent and be baptized for = Greek[ace] meaning: 1. because of (primary definition) 2. in order to 2.…
What the Bible says about the... Doctrine of 'Baptism' 1. Acts 2:38-39 Repent and be baptized for = Greek[ace] meaning: 1. because of (primary definition) 2. in order to 2.…
What the Bible says about the... Doctrine of 'God' 1. Isaiah 43:10-11 No other God before or after God No other Savior 2. Isaiah 44: 6,8 God is first and…
What the Bible says about the... Doctrine of 'Priesthood' 6. Rev 1:4 - 6 Christians have an universal priesthood established by Christ. Therefore, the believer can appeal directly to God…
What the Bible says about the... Doctrine of 'Priesthood' 1. Heb 7:1 - 10 The priesthood of Melchizedek is greater than the priesthood of Aaron (Levitical) 2. Heb 7:11 Insufficient…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'Salvation' 'Grace is simply the mercy, love, and the condescension of God has for his children, as a result of which he has ordained the plan of…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'Salvation' Mormons believe in universal salvation: 1. Mormons believe in universal salvation that all men will be saved, but each one in his own order. Look magazine,…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'Salvation' The Mormon Christ: is not the second member of the Trinity was a pre-existing spirit was a spirit brother to the devil (Pearl of Great Price…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'Salvation' Mormon salvation denies: the full atonement of sin by the shedding of Christ's blood 1. 'There is not a man or woman, who violates the covenants…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'Salvation' Mormon salvation requires: faith in Christ baptism by immersion obedience to the teaching of the Mormon Church good works keeping the commandments of God 1. 'Keeping…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'Virgin Birth' 1. 'Do Mormons believe in the Virgin Birth? Yes, The Latter-day Saints accept the miraculous conception of Jesus the Christ.' ' A Guide to the…