20 Insightful Thoughts
20 Insightful Thoughts by Glen on 2003-01-13 00:16:08 1. The best way to get even is to forget... 2. Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death... 3.…
20 Insightful Thoughts by Glen on 2003-01-13 00:16:08 1. The best way to get even is to forget... 2. Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death... 3.…
The Journey To Worship by Glen on 2003-01-05 00:04:02 Enroute to and from a Bible conference in Texas, we stopped along the way to meet with seven of America's ten…
How To Witness to Mormons by Glen on 2002-12-30 00:03:10 Leading Mormons to Christ requires special effort. Our love for Mormons should compel us to show the love of Christ…
Word study on Pastor, Elder, Covering, Shepherd, etc by Glen on 2002-12-29 00:01:06 How far has the "modern" church strayed from the roles Pastor, Elder, Covering, Shepherd, etc may have…
TRACKS IN THE SNOW Years ago my father used to entertain my child's mind and fantasy by saying, "Son, there's been a train come through here; I see its tracks."…
post-Soviet Union persecution of Christians by Glen on 2002-12-26 00:19:36 (ASSIST News Service) VOM has received reports of persecution directed at evangelical churches in countries that were formerly part of…
The Holy Spirit by Glen on 2002-12-22 00:01:47 Holy Spirit "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me…
Purpose Statement for The Life of Jesus: In assembling The Life of Jesus, I researched the chronology of all the events surrounding Jesus'life, death, and resurrection as described in the…
Another sensational statistic by Glen on 2002-12-17 00:09:02 Did you know that American Christians spend more money per year on Dog Food than they do on Missions? Instead of going…