A Testimony
A TestimonyA TestimonyHurt and pain, from simply being curious at a young age. Evil desires, soon to bestrongholds and bondage, but not recognized for the evil it was at the…
A TestimonyA TestimonyHurt and pain, from simply being curious at a young age. Evil desires, soon to bestrongholds and bondage, but not recognized for the evil it was at the…
You Can't Do It, But Jesus Can You Can't Do It, But Jesus Canby David Daniel WertmanI was a fast starter in the computer industry. And having begun in1965, I…
Jonnie T's TestimonyJonnie T's TestimonyI really felt that I needed to include my experience with God in case you might be thinking about Him, whether He exists or not or…
MY TESTIMONY "Victory in Jesus" by George White When I was born I was a heartbreak to my parents, for I was born with a severe speech impediment. No mother…
BODY {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color: #ffffff; } P {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} H2 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} H3 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} TD {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} .qpMain {background-color: #ffffff;}…
IMPORTANT NOTE The maker of this CD certifies that all the sermons and articles taken from The Gospel Truth web site are 100% exactly the same as the ones on…
Revivals That Stay : PeaceMakers 630.668.1205 Revivals That Stay by E.M. Bounds(1835-1913) Revivals are among the charter rights of the church. They are the evidences of its divinity, the tokens…
The Works of John Bunyan John Bunyan's Works "Thine to serve thee with that little I have." John Bunyan .( 1628 - 1688 ) See A Timeline Chronicling the Life…
What do non-Christians really think of you and your faith? Charisma's conversations with the unchurched might help you reach the unbelievers you encounter every day. By Andy Butcher …
THE LIFE AND DIARY OF THE REV. DAVID BRAINERD: WITH NOTES AND REFLECTIONS. PREFACE. THERE are two ways of representing and recommending true religion and virtue to the world; the…