Lecture 16

Lecture 16 Lecture XVI. Unity Of God. First. What is intended by the term unity, as applied to God. Second. Some remarks in respect to the manner in which this…

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Lecture 17

Lecture 17 Lecture XVII. Trinity Or Tri Unity Of God. First. State the doctrine. Second. The point now under consideration. Third. The sources of evidence. Fourth. The amount of evidence…

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Lecture 18

Lecture 18 Lecture XVIII. Divinity Of Christ. First. Show what is intended by the Divinity of Christ. Second. Show that Christ is truly Divine or that he is the true…

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Lecture 19

Lecture 19 Lecture XIX. Humanity Of Christ. First. Notice the various opinions that have prevailed upon this subject. Second. Show what is intended by the Humanity of Christ. Third. Prove…

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Lecutre 20

Lecutre 20 Lecture XX. Personality And Divinity Of The Holy Spirit. First. Show what is not intended by the Divinity of the Holy Spirit. Second. That he is truly God.…

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Lecture 21

Lecture 21 Lecture XXI. Providence Of God. First. Show what is intended by the providence of God. Second. Prove that God administers over the universe a providential government. Third. Notice…

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Lecture 22

Lecture 22 Lecture XXII. Moral Government.--No. 1. First. Define Moral Government. Second. Show what is implied in it. First. Define Moral Government. 1. Moral Government, when opposed to physical, is…

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Lecture 23

Lecture 23 Lecture XXIII. Moral Government.--No. 2. Foundation Of Moral Obligation. First. Inquire what Moral Obligation is. Second. State the conditions of Moral Obligation. Third. What is the foundation of…

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Lecture24 Lecture XXIV. Moral. Government.--No. 3. Whose Right It Is To Govern. 1. Moral beings exist. 2. They must of necessity be happy or miserable. 3. Happiness is a good…


Lecture 25

Lecture 25 Lecture XXV. Moral Government.--No. 4. What Is Implied In The Right To Govern. 1. The right to govern does not imply, that the will of the ruler can…

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