Lecture 26

Lecture 26 Lecture XXVI. Moral Government.--No. 5. Moral Law. In discussing this part of the subject, I shall show: First. What law is. Second. Define moral law. Third. That all…

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Lecture 27

Lecture 27 Lecture XXVII. Moral Government.--No. 6. Law Of God. First. Show what is intended by the Law of God. Second. That all the commandments, or specific requirements of God,…

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Lecture 28

Lecture 28 Lecture XXVIII. Moral Government.--No. 7. Fourth Commandment. Exodus 20:9 11. 'Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of…

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Lecture 29

Lecture 29 Lecture XXIX. Moral Government.--No. 8. Fifth Commandment. Exodus 20:12. 'Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy…

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Lecture 30

Lecture 30 Lecture XXX. Moral Government.--No. 9. Seventh Commandment. Exodus 20:14. "Thou shalt not commit adultery." I. Show what is implied in this command. 1. It implies the pre existence…

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Lecture 31

Lecture 31 Lecture XXXI. Moral Government.--No. 10. Ninth Commandment. Exodus 20:16. 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.' I. What this commandment implies. 1. It implies the duty,…

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Lecture 32

Lecture 32 Lecture XXXII. Moral Government.--No. 11. Sanctions Of Law. First. What constitutes the Sanctions of Law. Second. There can be no law without Sanctions. Third. In what light the…

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Lecture 33

Lecture 33 Lecture XXXIII. Moral Government.--No. 12. Sanctions Of Gods Law. First. God's law has Sanctions. Second. What constitutes the remuneratory Sanctions of the law of God. Third. The perfection…

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Lecture 34

Lecture 34 Lecture XXXIV. Moral Government.--No. 13. Governmental Principles. l. The precept of the law must be intelligible. 2. That obedience shall be practicable. 3. That it shall be for…

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Lecture 35

Lecture 35 Lecture XXXV. Atonement.--No. 1 In this lecture I shall show: First. What is intended by the Atonement. Second. That an Atonement was necessary. First. What is intended by…

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