Lecture 36
Lecture 36 Lecture XXXVI. Atonement.--No. 2. In this lecture I shall present several farther reasons why an Atonement under the government of God was preferable in the case of the…
Lecture 36 Lecture XXXVI. Atonement.--No. 2. In this lecture I shall present several farther reasons why an Atonement under the government of God was preferable in the case of the…
Lecture 37 Lecture XXXVII. Atonement.--No. 3. What Constitutes The Atonement. In this lecture I will show: First. Not Christ's obedience to law as a covenant of works. Second. That his…
Lecture 38 Lecture XXXVIII. Atonement.--No. 4.Its Value. In discussing the value of the Atonement, I shall -- First. Show in what its value consists. Second. How great its value is.…
Lecture 39 Lecture XXXIX. Moral Government.--No. 18. Atonement.--No. 5. Its Influence. I have already anticipated many things that might be said under this head, some of which I shall glance…
Lecture 40 Lecture XL. Moral Government.--No. 19. Atonement.--No. 6.Objections. I. To the fact of Atonement. It is said that the doctrine of Atonement represents God as unmerciful. Ans. 1. This…
Lecture 6 Lecture VI. Divine Authority Of The BibleI will show, First. That a farther revelation from God, than that which is made in the works of nature and providence…
Lecture 41 Lecture XLI. Moral Government.--No. 20. Human Governments Are A Part Of The Moral Government Of God. In this lecture I shall show: First. That Human Governments are a…
Lecture 5 Lecture V. Atheism. First. Define Atheism. Second. Some of the different forms or modifications of Atheism. Third. Answer the principal objections of Atheists, to Theism. Fourth. Point out…
Lecture 2 Introductory Lecture.--No. 2. I. Some things implied in the study of Theology. II. Some things that we know of man, independently of any revelation or knowledge of God.…
Lecture 3 Introductory Lecture.--No. 3. I. The importance of a correct and thorough knowledge of the laws of evidence. II. What is evidence and what is proof, and the difference…