Power From On High
Power From On High CHAPTER 1 POWER FROM ON HIGH Please permit me through your columns to correct a misapprehension of some of the members of the late Council at…
Power From On High CHAPTER 1 POWER FROM ON HIGH Please permit me through your columns to correct a misapprehension of some of the members of the late Council at…
The Psychology Of Righteousness CHAPTER 13 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS During my Christian life I have been asked a great many times, in substance, by thoughtful and anxious souls: "What…
The nature or psychology of faith as a mental act or state. CHAPTER 12 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FAITH I have heretofore endeavored to show that sanctification is wrought in the…
The Decay Of Conscience CHAPTER 11 THE DECAY OF CONSCIENCE I believe it is a fact generally admitted that there is much less conscience manifested by men and women in…
How To Overcome Sin CHAPTER 10 HOW TO OVERCOME SIN In every period of my ministerial life I have found many professed Christians in a miserable state of bondage, either…
What are and What are Not Innocent Amusements CHAPTER 9 INNOCENT AMUSEMENTS We hear much said, and read much, in these days, of indulging in innocent amusements. I heard a…
Certain conditions upon which the salvation promised in this text may be secured by them. CHAPTER 8 PREACHER, SAVE THYSELF "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine, continue in…
The philosophy of so preaching the gospel as to secure the salvation of souls. CHAPTER 7 HOW TO WIN SOULS "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in…
Prevailing Prayer is that which secures an answer. CHAPTER 6 PREVAILING PRAYER Prevailing prayer is that which secures an answer. Saying prayers is not offering prevailing prayer. The prevalence of…
The lack of an enduement of power from on high should be deemed a disqualification. Is It A Hard Saying? CHAPTER 5 IS IT A HARD SAYING? In a former…