Labors In Hartford And In Syracuse
Labors In Hartford And In Syracuse CHAPTER XXX. LABORS IN HARTFORD AND IN SYRACUSE. WE arrived at Oberlin in May, 1851, and after the usual labors of the summer, we…
Labors In Hartford And In Syracuse CHAPTER XXX. LABORS IN HARTFORD AND IN SYRACUSE. WE arrived at Oberlin in May, 1851, and after the usual labors of the summer, we…
Labors In The Tabernacle, Moorfields, London CHAPTER XXIX. LABORS IN THE TABERNACLE, MOORFIELDS, LONDON. I HAD accepted Dr. Campbell's cordial invitation to supply his pulpit for a time, and accordingly,…
First Visit To England CHAPTER XXVIII. FIRST VISIT TO ENGLAND. HAVING had repeated and urgent invitations to visit England, and labor for the promotion of revivals in that country, I…
Another Winter In Boston CHAPTER XXVII. ANOTHER WINTER IN BOSTON. IN the fall of 1843, I was called again to Boston. At my last visit there, it was the time…
The Revival In Rochester In 1842 CHAPTER XXVI. THE REVIVAL IN ROCHESTER IN 1842. AFTER resting a day or two in Boston, I left for home. Being very weary with…
Labors In Boston And Providence CHAPTER XXV. LABORS IN BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. BEFORE I return to my revival record, in order to give some idea of the relation of things,…
Early Labors In Oberlin CHAPTER XXIV. EARLY LABORS IN OBERLIN. THE students from Lane Seminary came to Oberlin, and the trustees put up barracks, in which they were lodged, and…
Labors In New York City In 1832, And Onward CHAPTER XXIII. LABORS IN NEW YORK CITY IN 1832, AND ONWARD. MR. LEWIS TAPPAN, with other Christian brethren, leased the Chatham…
Revivals In Auburn, Buffalo, Providence And Boston CHAPTER XXII. REVIVAL IN AUBURN, BUFFALO, PROVIDENCE AND BOSTON. DURING the latter part of the time that I was at Rochester, my health…
Revival In Rochester, 1830 CHAPTER XXI. REVIVAL IN ROCHESTER, 1830. LEAVING New York I spent a few weeks in Whitestown; and, as was common, being pressed to go in many…