John Havener’s Witness
John Havener's Witness I grew up assuming I was saved because I went to Church My Name is John Havener.I go by John, JP or Johnny Paul. I was raised…
John Havener's Witness I grew up assuming I was saved because I went to Church My Name is John Havener.I go by John, JP or Johnny Paul. I was raised…
The theological ramifications of original sin and free will. By Harold James Rogers Many accept original sin simply because they are taught it, and they don't really see how it…
MAKING A NEW HEART MAKING A NEW HEART Written by Rev. Charles G. Finney, Updated and edited by Steve Grochow Ezekiel 18:31 "Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby…
The Way of Salvation By Charles Finney Preface Sermon I - The Rule by Which Guilt of Sin is Estimated Sermon II - The Self-Hardening Sinner's Doom Sermon III -…
THE CARNAL CHRISTIAN THE CARNAL CHRISTIAN By Winkie Pratney One hundred years ago revival swept America. Thousands of souls entered the Kingdom of God under the searching sermons of a…
HOW TO PREACH WITHOUT CONVERTING ANYBODY HOW TO PREACH WITHOUT CONVERTING ANYBODY Originally written by Charles Finney. Edited and updated by Steve Grochow Preach on every doctrine that centers the…
Sermons on Gospel Themes Sermons on Gospel Themes By Charles Finney Preface Lecture I - God's Love for a Sinning World Lecture II - On Trusting in the Mercy of…
Wayne Cannon I always knew the Bible was trueMy Name is Wayne Cannon and I am a Police Officerin San Antonio Texas. I was in the Air Force and visited…