An Unexpected Adversary

An Unexpected Adversary An Unexpected AdversaryBy Shireen Perry,as interviewed by Bob Davies"Sometimes it was difficult to even pray together and spend timein the Word. What kept us going was singing…

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Facing the Truth

Facing the Truth Facing the TruthBy Sheila HoodHomosexuality. A.I.D.S. These words meant little to me until Imarried Bill. Then I began to sense a hidden problem in our marriagethat puzzled…

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A New Name

A New Name A New NameBy Sandra AslesenAfter numerous episodes of childhood sexual abuse, I had no ideawho I was. A total lack of personal boundaries led me into eightyears…

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My Supernatural Experience

My Supernatural Experience My Supernatural Experienceby Russell Pond"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spiriton all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young menwill…

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Scott_SeamanOnly just a few short years ago thoughts of God judging my actions were the farthest thing from my mind. How things have changed. As a young lad with an…


Crying Behind the Mask

Crying Behind the Mask Crying Behind the MaskBy Rebecca Anne Johnston Outwardly, I was a happy Christian wife and mother; inside theturmoil and pain of my marriage was tearing me apart.While…

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Robert_H._Bridges"I don't remember he ever taughtme anything about God."We moved around quite a bit when I was young, and in each place wewent we found a new church. I believe…
