The least I can do to prove my love is true
The least I can do to prove my love is true The least I can do to prove my love is trueI became a PK (preacher's kid) at the age…
The least I can do to prove my love is true The least I can do to prove my love is trueI became a PK (preacher's kid) at the age…
I love my savior I love my saviorI was born in a small rural town in NC. Where every one knew every thing aboutevery one.I got saved when I was…
Healing and Faithby Tim Greenwood(Rev. October 28, 1997) First Things First.God is love, (1John 4:16), full of compassion and mercy, (Psm 86:15), no respecter of persons, (Act 10:34), and does…
Glad you are here. I hope your visit will be one that when you leave, youwill say, "Boy, I'm glad I stopped by here." I'm now seventy years old, and…
REFERENCES 1. Finney, Charles G., Autobiography.Fleming H. Revell Company, New York, 1876, p. 20. 2. Ibid., p.24. 3. Ibid., pp. 183,184. All of the following references are from Charles G.…
True Change True Change I was constantly reminded of what a worthless no-good child I was.I am 29 years old and from highly dysfunctional family. My mother was a drugaddict…
How I was freed from Satan's Grip "You have a choice to make, you can either continue going to Church as you have been or we can play baseball"How I…
The Loss When a Soul is Lost by Charles Finney "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or…
Billy Sunday once said - "Some people take so many pills their joints look like ball bearings." It's a sick, sick world. With such a lot of medical problems around,…