His Coming
His Coming 59 HIS COMING Mt. 1:21 (read 18-25) INTRODUCTION: This is a season of celebration of the birth of Christ At least two religious organizations do not: Armstrong &…
His Coming 59 HIS COMING Mt. 1:21 (read 18-25) INTRODUCTION: This is a season of celebration of the birth of Christ At least two religious organizations do not: Armstrong &…
Growing Up In Our Salvation Title: Growing Up in Our Salvation Text: 1Pet. 2:1-12 Tracing: Preached December 27, 1992 PM at SDCC Topic: Christian Maturity INTRO Because of the regular…
Gods Plan Of Reconciliation GOD'S PLAN OF RECONCILLIATION Isaiah 58 (Even after the vision of chapter 6, it was necessary to COMMAND Isaiah to reprimand the people for their sin--…
God Remembers GOD REMEMBERS Jere. 31:20 INTRODUCTION: Memory refers to the ability to retain or revive in the mind past thoughts, images, ideas, etc. The fact that God remembers is…
Glory Of New Birth Title: The Glory of New Birth Text: 1Pet. 1:3-12 Tracing: Preached November 22, 1992 PM at SDCC. INTRO 1 Peter is a letter to Christians about…
Gifts That Get The Job Done GIFTS THAT GET THE JOB DONE B7-06-6A 2 Chr. 24:10 (2 Ki. 12) PURPOSE: To encourage cheerful & abundant giving to God. INTRODUCTION: IV.…
Faithful Witnesses FAITHFUL WITNESSES B6-29-6A Mt. 11:4 (2-6) PURPOSE: To show some of the requirements of being a faithful witness for Jesus Christ. INTRODUCTION: IV. FAITHFUL WITNESSES ARE NOT OFFENDED…
Faith Use It Or Lose It CR 101 FAITH: USE IT OR LOSE IT B3-02-6P "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the III. JERICO WAS…
Exhortation To Rebuild Hag HAGGAI 1:1-15 EXHORTATION TO REBUILD INTRODUCTION: (Taken from, "An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets", Freeman, Moody Press, 1968) A. The book was written in the…
Eating More And Enjoying It Les EATING MORE AND ENJOYING IT LESS? B7-28-5P Dan. 1:8 (read cpt.) INTRODUCTION: Old cigarette commercial, "Smoking more and enjoying it less?" Commercials no longer…