conbk03 AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS BOOK THREE CHAPTER I I came to Carthage, where a caldron of unholy loves was seething and bubbling all around me. I was not in love as…
conbk03 AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS BOOK THREE CHAPTER I I came to Carthage, where a caldron of unholy loves was seething and bubbling all around me. I was not in love as…
conbk02 AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS BOOK TWO CHAPTER I I wish now to review in memory my past wickedness and the carnal corruptions of my soul--not because I still love them, but…
conbk01 AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS BOOK ONE CHAPTER I "Great art thou, O Lord, and greatly to be praised; great is thy power, and infinite is thy wisdom."6 And man desires to…
Chapter 10 Predestination's Final Chapter To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Ephesians 1:6. This verse ends the sentence…
(Revelation 2:2-5) (1) Losing our sense of dependence of needing God when our needs are satisfied; therefore, feeling self-sufficient. A common cause of "backsliding." (See Philippians 4:4-7,19) (2) When…
81 Q What is required to the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper? A It is required of them who would worthily partake of the Lord's…
Yom Kippur n sukkot services n Yom Kippur Tishri 9-10, 5750 . TIMES FOR LIGHTING THE CANDELS & DATES OF HOLY DAYS: Shabbat and Festivals, Rosh ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur,…
Yom Kippur feast or fast YOM KIPPUR: FEAST OR FAST? Rachmiel Frydland According to Jewish tradition and the Talmud (Tractate Ta'anith 26b), Yom Kippur has been one of the great…
Womens headcoverings a Messi Women's Headcoverings: A Messianic Viewpoint Introduction In Biblical times, women covered their heads with veils or scarfs a sign of chastity and modesty. The unveiling of…