The Two Covenant Theory
The Two Covenant Theory The Two Covenant Theory by Dr. Michael Schiffman Some people have said that Jewish people already have a covenant with God and do not need Yeshua…
The Two Covenant Theory The Two Covenant Theory by Dr. Michael Schiffman Some people have said that Jewish people already have a covenant with God and do not need Yeshua…
The Trinity TRINITY IS JEWISH by Rachmiel Frydland Most modern Jewish people seem to have made their "peace" with Jesus of Nazareth. Some consider Him to be a great Jew,…
Testimony of Mr Bortz A JEW SHOULD KNOW GOD by Aaron Bortz I was reared in Cincinnati, Ohio as a Reform Jew. My religious studies centered around Jewish history, Hebrew…
Should Believers support Israel Should Believers Support Israel? by Michael Schiffman There is a great deal of talk these days in political circles as well as in religious circles regarding…
Rebuttal of Jews for Judaism {Origonal post} >Message #9072 "Judaica" >Date: 25-Dec-89 07:56 >From: Aaron Schmiedel >To: All >Subj: Christmas For Jews???? <part 3> >Previous Reply is Message #8711. .…
Pesach weekomer RaeSheet Chag MESSIANIC PROPHECY SCRIPTURES: -He would be from the line of David. II Sam.7:8-16 Jer.23:5-6, Luke 3:23-28, Matt.1, Is.11:1, -He would be born of a virgin as…
PesachShabbat morning havdalah Messianic Pesach/Passover Seder. Didn't get time to put in all the translituration, and explainations, and it is short, but should be complete enough for those who'd like…
Peace in the land of Israel FORWARDED BY THE MJCN NETWORK! 1-609-448-5907 LARRY FREIBERG Toward Shalom in the Land of Israel Elhanan Ben Avraham April 25, 1988 Hanah Levkoff. Hanah…
Messianic gentiles in a MJ cong Provided by Congregation Roeh Israel (UMJC) of Denver, Colorado. A MESSIANIC GENTILE IN A MESSIANIC JEWISH CONGREGATION by Don Daly What is a Messianic…
Messianic congregations NOTES: This is a listing of Messianic Jewish Congregations and Ministries. The listing is set in a Standard Data Format for importing into databases. Below is a header…