SHIELDS SHIELDS A part of defensive armour # Ps 115:9 140:7 FREQUENTLY MADE OF, OR COVERED WITH 2a) Gold # 2Sa 8:7 1Ki 10:17 2b) Brass # 1Ki 14:27 3)…
SHIELDS SHIELDS A part of defensive armour # Ps 115:9 140:7 FREQUENTLY MADE OF, OR COVERED WITH 2a) Gold # 2Sa 8:7 1Ki 10:17 2b) Brass # 1Ki 14:27 3)…
SHEWBREAD SHEWBREAD Twelve cakes of fine flour # Le 24:5 Called hallowed bread # 1Sa 21:4 Materials for, provided by the people # Le 24:8 Ne 10:32,33 Prepared by Levites…
SHEPHERDS SHEPHERDS Early mention of # Ge 4:2 Usually carried a scrip or bag # 1Sa 17:40 Carried a staff or rod # Le 27:32 Ps 23:4 Dwelt in tents…
SERVANTS SERVANTS Early mention of # Ge 9:25,26 DIVIDED INTO 2a) Male # Ge 24:34 32:5 2b) Female # Ge 16:6 32:5 2c) Bond # Ge 43:18 Le 25:46 2d)…
SERPENTS SERPENTS Created by God # Job 26:13 Characterised as subtle # Ge 3:1 Mt 10:16 Called crooked # Job 26:13 Isa 27:1 Unclean and unfit for food # Mt…
SELFISHNESS SELFISHNESS Contrary to the law of God # Le 19:18 Mt 22:39 Jas 2:8 The example of Christ condemns # Joh 4:34 Ro 15:3 2Co 8:9 God hates #…
SEEKING GOD SEEKING GOD Commanded # Isa 55:6 Mt 7:7 INCLUDES SEEKING 2a) His Name # Ps 83:16 2b) His word # Isa 34:16 2c) His face # Ps 27:8…