GOSPEL GOSPEL, The Is good tidings of great joy for all people # Lu 2:10,11,31,32 Foretold # Isa 41:27 52:7 61:1-3 Mr 1:15 Preached under the old testament # Heb…
GOODNESS of God GOODNESS of God, The Is part of his character # Ps 25:8 Na 1:7 Mt 19:17 DECLARED TO BE 2a) Great # Ne 9:35 Zec 9:17 2b)…
GLUTTONY GLUTTONY Christ was falsely accused of # Mt 11:19 The wicked addicted to # Php 3:19 Jude 1:12 LEADS TO 3a) Carnal security # Isa 22:13 1Co 15:32 Lu…
GLORY of God
GLORY of God GLORY of God, The Exhibited in Christ # Joh 1:14 2Co 4:6 Heb 1:3 EXHIBITED IN 2a) His name # De 28:58 Ne 9:5 2b) His majesty…
GLORIFYING God GLORIFYING God Commanded # 1Ch 16:28 Ps 22:23 Isa 42:12 Due to him # 1Ch 16:29 FOR HIS 3a) Holiness # Ps 99:9 Re 15:4 3b) Mercy and…