DIVORCE DIVORCE Law of marriage against # Ge 2:24 Mt 19:6 PERMITTED 2a) By the Mosaic law # De 24:1 2b) On account of hardness of heart # Mt 19:8…
DIVORCE DIVORCE Law of marriage against # Ge 2:24 Mt 19:6 PERMITTED 2a) By the Mosaic law # De 24:1 2b) On account of hardness of heart # Mt 19:8…
DIVISIONS DIVISIONS Forbidden in the church # 1Co 1:10 Condemned in the church # 1Co 1:11-13 11:18 Unbecoming in the church # 1Co 12:24,25 ARE CONTRARY TO THE 4a) Unity…
DIVINATION DIVINATION An abominable practice # 1Sa 15:23 All who practised it, abominable # De 18:12 PRACTISED BY 3a) Diviners # De 18:14 3b) Enchanters # De 18:10 Jer 27:9…
DISOBEDIENCE to God DISOBEDIENCE to God Provokes his anger # Ps 78:10,40 Isa 3:8 Forfeits his favour # 1Sa 13:14 Forfeits his promised blessings # Jos 5:6 1Sa 2:30 Jer…
DISEASES DISEASES Often sent as punishment # De 28:21 Joh 5:14 Often brought from other countries # De 7:15 Often through Satan # 1Sa 16:14-16 Job 2:7 Regarded as visitations…
DISCIPLINE of the Church DISCIPLINE of the Church Ministers authorised to establish # Mt 16:19 18:18 CONSISTS IN 2a) Maintaining sound doctrine # 1Ti 1:3 Tit 1:13 2b) Ordering its…
DILIGENCE DILIGENCE Christ, an example # Mr 1:35 Lu 2:49 REQUIRED BY GOD IN 2a) Seeking him # 1Ch 22:19 Heb 11:6 2b) Obeying him # De 6:17 11:13 2c)…
DIET of the Jews DIET of the Jews, The In patriarchal age # Ge 18:7,8 27:4 In Egypt # Ex 16:3 Nu 11:5 In the wilderness # Ex 16:4-12 Of…
DEVOTEDNESS to God DEVOTEDNESS to God A characteristic of saints # Job 23:12 Christ, an example of # Joh 4:34 17:4 GROUNDED UPON 3a) The mercies of God # Ro…