CONSCIENCE CONSCIENCE Witnesses in man # Pr 20:27 Ro 2:15 Accuses of sin # Ge 42:21 2Sa 24:10 Mt 27:3 Ac 2:37 We should have the approval of # Job…
CONSCIENCE CONSCIENCE Witnesses in man # Pr 20:27 Ro 2:15 Accuses of sin # Ge 42:21 2Sa 24:10 Mt 27:3 Ac 2:37 We should have the approval of # Job…
CONFESSING Christ CONFESSING Christ Influences of the Holy Spirit necessary to # 1Co 12:3 1Jo 4:2 A test of being saints # 1Jo 2:23 4:2,3 An evidence of union with…
CONDUCT CONDUCT, Christian Believing God # Mr 11:22 Joh 14:11,12 Fearing God # Ec 12:13 1Pe 2:17 Loving God # De 6:5 Mt 22:37 Following God # Eph 5:1 1Pe…
CONDEMNATION CONDEMNATION The sentence of God against sin # Mt 25:41 Universal, caused by the offence of Adam # Ro 5:12,16,18 Inseparable consequence of sin # Pr 12:2 Ro 6:23…
COMPASSION and Sympathy of Chri COMPASSION and Sympathy of Christ, The Necessary to his priestly office # Heb 5:2,7 MANIFESTED FOR THE 2a) Weary and heavy-laden # Mt 11:28-30 2b)…
COMPASSION and Sympathy COMPASSION and Sympathy Christ set an example of # Lu 19:41,42 Exhortation to # Ro 12:15 1Pe 3:8 EXERCISE TOWARDS 3a) The afflicted # Job 6:14 Heb…
COMMUNION with God COMMUNION with God Is communion with the Father # 1Jo 1:3 Is communion with the Son # 1Co 1:9 1Jo 1:3 Re 3:20 Is communion with the…
COMMUNION of the Lord COMMUNION of the Lord's Supper Prefigured # Ex 12:21-28 1Co 5:7,8 Instituted # Mt 26:26 1Co 11:23 Object of # Lu 22:19 1Co 11:24,26 Is the…
COMMUNION of Saints COMMUNION of Saints According to the prayer of Christ # Joh 17:20,21 IS WITH 2a) God # 1Jo 1:3 2b) Saints in heaven # Heb 12:22-24 2c)…
COMMERCE COMMERCE The barter of one commodity for another # 1Ki 5:8,11 The exchange of commodities for money # 1Ki 10:28,29 CALLED 3a) Trade # Ge 34:10 Mt 25:16 3b)…