COMMANDMENTS COMMANDMENTS, The Ten Spoken by God # Ex 20:1 De 5:4,22 Written by God # Ex 32:16 34:1,28 De 4:13 10:4 Enumerated # Ex 20:3-17 Summed up Christ #…
COMMANDMENTS COMMANDMENTS, The Ten Spoken by God # Ex 20:1 De 5:4,22 Written by God # Ex 32:16 34:1,28 De 4:13 10:4 Enumerated # Ex 20:3-17 Summed up Christ #…
CLOUD of Glory CLOUD of Glory First manifestation of # Ex 13:20,21 CALLED 2a) The cloud # Ex 34:5 2b) Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire # Ex 13:22…
CLOUDS CLOUDS Formed from the sea # 1Ki 18:44 Am 9:6 Are garment of the sea # Job 38:9 GOD 3a) Established # Pr 8:28 3b) Balanced in the air…
CITIES of REFUGE CITIES of REFUGE Design of # Ex 21:13 Nu 35:11 Jos 20:3 Names &c of # De 4:41-43 Jos 20:7,8 REQUIRED TO BE 3a) Easy of access…
CITIES CITIES First mention of # Ge 4:17 Designed for habitations # Ps 107:7,36 Often built to perpetuate a name # Ge 11:4 Often founded and enlarged by blood and…
CIRCUMCISION CIRCUMCISION Instituted by God # Ge 17:9,10 Described # Ge 17:11 Ex 4:25 Enforced by the law # Le 12:3 Joh 7:22 CALLED THE 4a) Covenant of circumcision #…
CHURCH of Israel CHURCH of Israel Established by God # De 4:5-14 26:18 Ac 7:35,38 Admission into, by circumcision # Ge 17:10-14 All Israelites members of # Ro 9:4 Was…
CHURCH CHURCH, The Belongs to God # 1Ti 3:15 The body of Christ # Eph 1:23 Col 1:24 Christ, the foundation-stone of # 1Co 3:11 Eph 2:20 1Pe 2:4,5 Christ,…
CHRIST is GOD CHRIST is GOD As Jehovah # Isa 40:3 Mt 3:3 As Jehovah of glory # Ps 24:7,10 1Co 2:8 Jas 2:1 As Jehovah, our RIGHTEOUSNESS # Jer…
CHRIST CHRIST, the King Foretold # Nu 24:17 Ps 2:6 45:1-17 Isa 9:7 Jer 23:5 Mic 5:2 Glorious # Ps 24:7-10 1Co 2:8 Jas 2:1 Supreme # Ps 89:27 Re…