Bicycle Safety

Bicycle Safety BICYCLE SAFETY Bicycles are fun, but they are more than just toys. Bicycles are vehicles, and as such are unfortunately involved in many accidents. 500 to 600 bicycle-related…

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Basic Epidemiology 4

Basic Epidemiology 4 Msg# : 824 Wed 28 Jun 89 9:21p From : Robert Lee To : All Subject: Basic Epidemiology.4 Status : Given information in the previous sections, i.e.,…

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Basic Epidemiology 3

Basic Epidemiology 3 Msg# : 823 Wed 28 Jun 89 8:56p From : Robert Lee To : All Subject: Basic Epidemiology.3 Status : The bigger picture: Epidemiology on the macrolevel...…

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Basic Epidemiology 2

Basic Epidemiology 2 Msg# : 822 Wed 28 Jun 89 8:51p From : Robert Lee To : All Subject: Basic Epidemiology.2 Status : Excerpts from Seale, J. "Origins of the…

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Basic Epidemiology 1

Basic Epidemiology 1 Msg# : 821 Wed 28 Jun 89 8:49p From : Robert Lee To : All Subject: Basic epidemiology.1 Status : BASIC CONCEPTS IN EPIDEMIOLOGY Epidemiology is nothing…

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Avoiding AIDS

Avoiding AIDS AVOIDING AIDS Reprinted from the September 1987 issue of "FDA Consumer," the official publication of the Food and Drug Administration. Here's what everyone should know to protect themselves…

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Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER and HYPERACTIVITY Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.) occurs in 3% to 5% of children, mostly boys. A child with A.D.D. hasn't learned to listen when…

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Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprains Ankle Sprains A sprain is an over-stretch or tear of a ligament. Ligaments are the tissues that connect bones and stabilize joints. Ankle sprains usually occur when the…

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Acne ACNE "Zits", pimples, blackheads, sores...- what doctors call "acne vulgaris" - can make the awkward age of adolescence even more awkward. At the first sign of a tell tale…
