Embyology EMBRYOLOGY Another area of study and research in which the creation perspective would have sped up the advance of science is embryology. If we start with the basic idea…
Embyology EMBRYOLOGY Another area of study and research in which the creation perspective would have sped up the advance of science is embryology. If we start with the basic idea…
Earthquakes In These Last Days No. 198- EARTHQUAKES IN THESE LAST DAYS by Steven A. Austin, Ph.D.* Earthquakes are among the most awesome, and sometimes most terrifying, natural events a…
Dueling Selectively With Darwin Kauffman, Stuart A. "Dueling Selectively With Darwin," Personal Communication, The Scientist, 10 August l987. (Kauffman is a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the University of…
Do The Facts Prove Evolution DO THE FACTS PROVE EVOLUTION? Darwin said: 'I am well aware that there is scarcely a single point discussed in this volume on which the…
Dinosaur Find DINOSAUR FIND(?) NEAR ARNOLD, MISSOURI by David Menton Oct. 1987 A few weeks ago there were reports on local radio and television stations of the discovery of a…
Design In Nature The anthropi No. 149 -DESIGN IN NATURE: THE ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE By Donald B. DeYoung, Ph.D.* INTRODUCTION William Paley (1743-1805) was a British philosopher and clergyman. In the…
Design In Ecology No. 131 DESIGN IN ECOLOGY By Kenneth B. Cumming, Ph.D.* Introduction. Perhaps the most frequent disagreements between creationists and evolutionists are what each group thinks about: (1)…
Dem Bones Bem Bones Nebraska DEM BONES - DEM BONES THE NEBRASKA MAN Nebraska Man was discovered in 1922 by Harold Cook in the Pliocene deposits in the Pliocene deposits…
Debate On Human Foot Prints Debate On Human Foot Prints Number: 47 (Read 0 times) Date: 30 Apr 91 21:48:18 From: Jack Brannan Reply to: 46 See msg: 48 To:…
Death Before Sin No. 191 DEATH BEFORE SIN? By James S. Stambaugh* Most people are familiar with the creation/evolution issue, yet not many people realize the importance of death to…