Bacteriology BACTERIOLOGY Spontaneous generation is the evolutionary idea that life could arise from nonliving materials, rather than exclusively from an already living and a like kind of parent organism. Many…
Bacteriology BACTERIOLOGY Spontaneous generation is the evolutionary idea that life could arise from nonliving materials, rather than exclusively from an already living and a like kind of parent organism. Many…
As A Transitional Form Archaeop As A Transitional Form Archaeopteryx Won't Fly by Duane T. Gish, Ph.D.* Impact article #198**, September 1989 (Published by the Institute for Creation Research) (c)…
Archaeopteryx scales To Feathe Archaeopteryx part 4- Scales to feathers The idea that feathers have some kind of ability to evolve from reptilian scales is patently absurd. One source that…
Archaeopteryx ScalesFeathers ARCHAEOPTERYX part 5 In Dr. Michael Denton's book "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" he addresses the problem of feathers arising out of scales in exquisite detail. I will…
Archaeopteryx Quotes Part 3 Archaeopteryx part 3 Other quotes from people concerning the Archaeotperyx: "Evolution and Christian Faith" by Dr. Bolton Davidheiser Ph.D. Zoology Johns Hopkins Univeristy. (Altho this book…
Archaeopteryx Controversy Was Archaeopteryx Controversy Was Archaeopteryx a fraud? Yes, says Fred Hoyle and colleagues; no, says Stephen Jay Gould . In his article, "The fossil fraud that never was,"…
Archaeopteryx Bone Structure Archaeopteryx part 2 Let's say we decide that the bone structure of the Archaeopteryx is definitely reptilian, from which line of reptiles is it related? Surely, there…
ArchaeopteryxTransition Par ARCHAEOPTERYX Part 1 Are the features of the archaeopteryx so overwhelmingly and/or convincingly reptilian as to lead necessarily to the conclusion it is a transition between the bird…
Apologetics And The Bible Apologetics And Evolution One of my past topics of interest has been apologetics as it pertains to the Bible. One of the most interesting facets has…
Antropic Cosomological Principl Anthropic Cosmological Principle WAP, SAP, FAP...those of you who have jumped into Frank Tipler and John Barrow's 700+ page volume The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (Oxford, Clarendon Press,…