Spurgeon PS048

Spurgeon PS048 EXPOSITION. Sweet Evening Hymn! I shall not sit up to watch through fear, but I will _lie down_; and then I will not lie awake listening to every…

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Spurgeon PS047

Spurgeon PS047 EXPOSITION. "It is better," said one, "to feel God's favour one hour in our repenting souls, than to sit whole ages under the warmest sunshine that this world…

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Spurgeon PS046

Spurgeon PS046 EXPOSITION. We have now entered upon the third division of the Psalm, in which the faith of the afflicted one finds utterance in sweet expressions of contentment and…

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Spurgeon PS045

Spurgeon PS045 EXPOSITION. Provided that the rebels had obeyed the voice of the last verse, they would now be crying,--"What shall we do to be saved?" And in the present…

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Spurgeon PS044

Spurgeon PS044 EXPOSITION. "_Tremble and sin not_." How many reverse this counsel and sin but tremble not. O that men would take the advice of this verse and _commune with…

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Spurgeon PS043

Spurgeon PS043 EXPOSITION. "_But know_." Fools will not learn, and therefore they must again and again be told the same thing, especially when it is such a bitter truth which…

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Spurgeon PS042

Spurgeon PS042 EXPOSITION. In this second division of the Psalm, we are led from the closet of prayer into the field of conflict. Remark the undaunted courage of the man…

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Spurgeon PS041

Spurgeon PS041 TITLE.--This Psalm is apparently intended to accompany the third, and make a pair with it. If the last may be entitled _THE MORNING PSALM_, this from its matter…

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Spurgeon PS038

Spurgeon PS038 EXPOSITION. This verse contains the sum and substance of Calvinistic doctrine. Search Scripture through, and you must, if you read it with a candid mind, be persuaded that…

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Spurgeon PS037

Spurgeon PS037 EXPOSITION. His only hope is in his God, but that is so strong a confidence, that he feels the Lord hath but to _arise_ and he is saved.…

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