Grains California Grains, Salads 4 Servings


1 c Wehani rice
3 Ripe plum tomatoes, seeded
and diced
1/4 c Diced red onion
1 Jalapeno pepper, seeded and
1/4 c Finely chopped cilantro
1/4 c Extra virgin olive oil
1 T Lime juice
1/8 t Celery seed
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 Ripe avocado
Mixed baby greens


Cook Wehani rice according to directions on package. Spread on baking
sheet to cool.  In large bowl, mix rice with tomatoes, red onion,
jalapeno pepper and  cilantro. Add extra virgin olive oil, lime juice
and celery seed.  Season with salt and pepper.  To serve, peel and
slice avocado. Arrange slices over mixed baby  greens. Spoon Wehani
rice salad over avocados. Garnish with grilled  vegetables, if desired.
Notes: Hominy Grill on Rutledge Avenue, Charleston, SC. "Wehani rice
and avocado salad. Wehani rice is a hybrid of brown rices developed  at
Lundberg Family Farms in California (www.lundberg.com). It's a  light
clay color and splits a little when cooked. 'Wehani rice is  nutty and
unhulled, kind of chewy, and it has some texture to it,'  Stehling
says. It's a nice pairing with the smooth, cool avocado." --  AB
Hanneman: Recipes provided by "Ann Burger" <www.charleston.net/> on
July 30, 1997, converted by MC_Buster.  Recipe by: Robert Stehling,
Chef  Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Kitpath <phannema@wizard.ucr.edu>
on  May 17, 1998

A Message from our Provider:

“God loves everyone, but probably prefers ‘fruits of the spirit\” over \”religious nuts!\””

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 86
Calories From Fat: 63
Total Fat: 7.5g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 16.4mg
Potassium: 243.2mg
Carbohydrates: 5.4g
Fiber: 3.1g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: 1.1g

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