Grains, Seafood, Meats Caribbean Caribbean, Fish seafoo, Soups 1 Servings


4 c Water
1 ts Salt
2 sm Fresh or pickled Tabasco peppers; Fresh preferred, red or green minced
1/4 ts Ground black pepper
1 md Onion; thinly sliced
2 md Potatoes;peeled halved and cut into 1/2, inch dice
4 sl Bacon
1 1/2 lb White meat fish; Boneless filet of Halibut, Sea bass or etc..
1 ts Butter; optional
1/2 c Sliced carrots; optional/
1/2 c Sliced celery; optional


I first had this dish on Little Exuma Island in the Bahamas, where the
locals eat it regularly for breakfast. They use any white meat fish that is
not too oily and the small Tabasco type peppers that are very hot. They use
the peppers in both the red and green stages. Just before serving they will
also put a dollop of butter on the soup. I have modified mine or
Americanized it if you will, by lightly sauteing the bacon until it is very
lightly browned. I do this only because it looks better than" white" boiled
bacon to the American eye. I also add just a few sliced vegetables at times
for the same reason. (carrots and celery ) Feel free to modify the recipe
this way if you wish. When cooking only for myself, I eat it the Bahamian
way and spicier than most Americans like it. Bon Appetit ! In a large
saucepan bring the water to a boil and add the potatoes, onion, bacon,
salt, pepper and minced chilies. If you are using any celery or carrot, add
these at this time too. Gently boil until the potatoes are just tender to
the fork and add the fish. Reduce the heat and simmer until the fish is
just cooked. ( It will be white and opaque. ) Add a small piece of butter
if desired, correct the seasonings and serve at once. Makes 4 servings.
Note - Depending on how hot the chilies are that you are using you may want
to use more or less depending on you taste. You will find that chilies used
in a liquid tend to be hotter than in solid foods so be cautious. Try to
stay away from strong oily fish when you make this dish. The flavor should
be light and delicate. For a richer soup substitute clam juice for the
NOTES :   First Course Or Main Course
Recipe by: LeRoy Trnavsky
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by drleroy@juno.com (LeRoy C Trnavsky) on Apr
10, 1998

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