Depart in peace, thou blessed soul, in the
name of the Father, who hath so gloriously
made thee in His own image:
Depart, in the name of God the Son, who by
His sufferings and death hath redeemed thee:
Depart, in the name of God the Holy
Ghost, who hath prepared and sanctified
thee to be His own temple.
May the gracious and merciful God, who
caused poor Lazarus to be carried into
Abraham’s bosom, and took the malefactor
from the cross into His Paradise, preserve
thee, through the bitter sufferings of His
dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Sa-
viour; and by His beloved angels lead thee
into the eternal home and rest of the saints,
there to dwell, with all the ransomed, in
everlasting joy and felicity. To which happy
inheritance may we all come, after this vain
and restless life, through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.