Page 2 2 Copyright 2007 Present Testimony Ministry – Good Faith Agreement–Please Read This eBook is a transcribed message that Frank delivered to a house church in St. Augustine, Florida on April 22, 2007. This message is suited for all house churches, simple churches, organic churches, and emerging churches who are rethinking the meaning and practice of church. We have converted it into a free eBook so that it can be distributed far and wide. We simply ask that as a good faith agreement, you pass the following link on to others in any form you wish–especially those who gather in the above types of churches–so that they can download the book for themselves:
God has created each of us with a thirst that only He can quench. French philosopher Pascal called it a God-shaped vacuum in our hearts that only He can fill. Or as Augustine put it, 'Our souls are restless until they find their rest in Thee.' Man is perpetually seeking. To whatever degree we don't know the unseen and eternal realm; we seek answers in the seen and temporal. We look for eternal answers among temporal things. But we discover that they cannot provide them.
Dan Stone