Page 21 21 Israel was supposed to feed our Lord, but it did not. Instead, the nation rejected Him. He came to His own and His own received Him not. So He cursed the fig tree. And He declared that it would never yield figs again. But thank God, there was a place that could feed Him. There was a people who would give Him rest and satisfaction. That place was Bethany–the house full of figs. So you see: God has not only called you to receive the Lord Jesus, He has also called you to satisfy His heart. A prophet is without honor in his own country. But Jesus Christ found a country in Bethany . . . a place that would receive Him and warm His heart. A Penetrating Scenario I would like to paint a scenario for you. Let’s go back to the Friday which preceded the Saturday when Mary anointed Jesus. I want you to imagine the Lord sitting down with Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Simon. He says, “Dear friends, it is my last week on earth. I will visit Jerusalem every day, but I refuse to spend a single night there. Each night of the week, I wish to lodge with you in Bethany. Will you make a home for me? Will you take me in, feed me, and give me a place to lay my head?” Mary says, “Well, Lord, I will only be available tomorrow. Every other day is occupied. I have prior commitments. I’m really sorry.” Martha says, “I’m sorry too, Lord. This week I have to take my nephew to soccer practice, I have a wedding to go to, and I have my cooking class. I’m sorry, but I’m just too busy.” The Lord looks over at Lazarus. Lazarus drops his head and says, “I’m terribly sorry, Lord. I’m only free tomorrow. The rest of the week I’ll be out of town with friends. We’re having a beach party over at the sea of Galilee all week long.” Finally, Simon responds, “I’m sorry too, Lord. Tomorrow is open and we can have a meal over at my place. But the rest of the week is booked. My favorite TV show comes on Monday night. Tuesday I work late, and I’ll be too tired to be around anyone. Wednesday is bowling night. Thursday I have to visit an old friend. And Friday I have pottery class. I’m sorry–my life is just too full.” Let me translate the above excuses into one sentence: Lord, you’re not important enough for my time. The Lord is looking for a group of people who will give Him first place in their lives. He’s after a people who refuse to be weighed down with this world and the cares of this temporal life. He’s after a people who will give one another their time. He’s after a people who will gather together regularly . . . sitting at His feet together, feasting before Him together, loving Him together, knowing Him together, and expressing Him together.
Perhaps the transformation of the disciples of Jesus is the greatest evidence of all for the resurrection. At the time of His death they were very much afraid. Peter went to the extent of vehemently denying that he knew Christ. But in a few days this same Peter fearlessly proclaimed the Gospel in the same city. Listen to his audacity: “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus. You handed Him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though He had decided to let him go. You disowned the Holy and righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you” (Acts 3:13-14). There had to have been a sufficient reason for such a transformation.
John Stott