Page 5 5 Bethany was a little less than two miles east of Jerusalem. It was located on the southeastern slopes of the Mount of Olives. The garden of Gethsemene was also located on the Mount of Olives. Gethsemene means “olive press.” It was the place where the olives were pressed. On the six days preceding His crucifixion, Jesus went to the city of Jerusalem in the daytime, but He always retreated to Bethany to spend the night. Repeat: The last six days of the Lord’s earthly life, Jesus Christ retreated to Bethany and lodged there. In Bethany, He found refuge, rest, safety, and peace. Bethany means “house of figs.” This is significant as we shall later see. There were three people who lived in Bethany whom the Scripture says Jesus dearly loved: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. It appears that Martha was the older sister. Mary was the younger sister. And Lazarus was the younger brother. There was also a fourth person who lived in Bethany–a man whom the New Testament calls “Simon the leper.” Some scholars believe that Simon was a relative to Martha , Mary, and Lazarus. Perhaps their father or uncle. Martha owned a home in Bethany. Mary was well known throughout the town. John calls Bethany, “the town of Mary and her sister Martha.” The family appears to have been well-off financially. (The size of Martha’s house and the type of tomb that was used for Lazarus are indicators of their financial status.) Bethany appears to be the only place on earth where the Lord Jesus was understood and recognized. Let’s now look at the Lord’s first encounter with Bethany as it is recorded in Scripture.
Meditation is a help to knowledge; thereby your knowledge is raised. Thereby your memory is strengthened. Thereby your hearts are warmed. Thereby you will be freed from sinful thoughts. Thereby your hearts will be tuned to every duty. Thereby you will grow in grace. Thereby you will fill up all the chinks and crevices of your lives, and know how to spend your spare time, and improve that for God. Thereby you will draw good out of evil. And thereby you will converse with God, have communion with God, and enjoy God. And I pray, is not here profit enough to sweeten the voyage of your thoughts in meditation?
William Bridge