Page 7 7 It seems to me that there are three key aspects involved in the proper reception of Jesus Christ. 1) To receive Christ properly is to give Him the place of honor, supremacy, and centrality. I’ve been meeting in house churches for almost 20 years now. And in my personal judgment, there are not a whole lot of house churches that make Christ central and supreme. Something other than Jesus usually takes center stage. But here’s the tragic thing. Of the churches that do make Christ central, they tend to be part of elitist and sectarian movements. And by their practice and attitude, they betray the very Lord who they are endeavoring to gather around. I have often made this statement: Sectarianism and elitism are like body odor. Everyone else can smell it except those who have it. Make no mistake about it: Jesus Christ is not at home in a church that is elitist or sectarian. Now we can camp right here and talk about what it means to make Christ central and supreme for the rest of the day. But we don’t have time. I will simply say that Jesus Christ will not take second place. He is not at home in any church that doesn’t give Him the place of absolute supremacy and centrality. He wants to be more than a guest. He wants to be Master of the house. It seems to me that many churches treat the Lord as if He were the invisible guest of honor. But a guest is still a visitor. Our Lord desires to be more than a guest. He seeks to be Head of His church. Only in such a place and among such a people can He feel at home. 2) To receive Christ is to receive all that He is. I’ve met some house churches that receive the Lord’s preaching ministry, but they reject His healing ministry. I’ve met some churches that receive His ministry of blessing, but they reject His ministry of suffering. That is, they welcome the power of His resurrection, but they reject the fellowship of His sufferings. I’ve met some churches that receive His ministry of teaching, but they reject His ministry of helping the poor and the oppressed. I’ve known some that want His ministry of building up the Body, but they reject His ministry of reaching the lost. To receive Christ in this piece-meal fashion is to receive Him on our own terms. It’s not to receive Him as He is. To properly receive and welcome Jesus Christ is to receive all that He is. He’s a whole Person. We can’t say we want one part of you, but not the other parts. Bethany is the place where Christ–the whole Christ–is welcomed and received. 3) To receive Christ is to receive all who are a part of Him. On several occasions, Jesus made this arresting statement: “He who receives those whom I send receives me.”
What is the curse of the law? It is the or-else-ness of the law: “Do this, or else.” Christ took the or-else-ness of the law onto Himself at the cross, so that there is no more or-else for anyone in Christ, as God looks upon us now. Or-else is gone forever from your relationship with God.
Ray Ortlund