Betty Stadalski
I have fibromyalgia, and God has allowed me to start on a new ministry.
My name is Betty Gallot Stadalski. I was saved by the Grace of God at 10years old. That is 1951 at a Vacation Bible School. I was not brought upin a Bible believing church even though I had a loving, caring up bringingI was not sure what Salvation really was until 1971 when I turned my lifeover to God and asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life.
During the next 20 years God allowed me to serve in many different areas.I raised 5 children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I was an Awanaleader, worked with elderly in a nursing home, had a puppet ministry. I wasblessed in each thing He allowed me to do. I worked with infants, toddlersto teens and elderly.
Nothing I did was of me, I can do nothing on my own, Philippians 4:13 I cando all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
In 1991 I was injured at work and am now disabled. I have fibromyalgia, andGod has allowed me to start on a new ministry. I had to stop everything whenI was hurt, but He gave me 2 grandkids to care for while their parents worked.That has been a most enjoyable ministry. They are both saved and have a goodstart, will both be in all day school in the fall.
Now I am praying for guidance. I have gotten the skill needed to do familynewsletters, I have done two for our family for a year and a half. I am ableto share the gospel with unsaved members of my family and there are manyin the family who are able to share the gospel also. It is a great way tojust keep on serving Him.
I have been praying for a way to be able to talk to other Christians on line,get the fellowship I need and have friends who are like-minded. Philippians2:1-2 If [there be] therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort oflove, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfilye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, [being] of one accord,of one mind.
Please accept my Lord Jesus. To see how to do this click here — AcceptChrist — then please send me emailonce you accept him.