Chapter 4 records the princes of Israel during Solomon’s
reign. Solomon’s kingdom was the largest in Israel’s history and God
gave great wealth to Solomon. Also, verse 25 indicates that Israel
and Judah dwelt in safety and prosperity.
In chapter 5 we see the preparation for building the Temple.
David had begun the project (with God’s approval), but God had made
it clear that Solomon would do the actual work. David already had
the plans and the costly materials, and before his death he
encouraged Solomon in the work and assured him that God would
faithfully help him.
The building of the Temple represented the cooperative
efforts of many people, both Jews and Gentiles. The materials
secured were the finest; great and costly stones that would endure,
and precious metals were used that would give glory to the Temple.
Reading about the materials to be used in the Temple reminds us of
Paul’s admonition in I Corinthians 3 concerning the local church. He
said we should build the church with gold, silver, and precious
stones, not with wood, hay, and stubble.
Solomon begins to build the Temple in chapter 6. Space will
not permit us to go into details concerning the actual construction
of the Temple, or the meaning of the various materials used in its
construction; but it would be well for you to study the construction
of the Temple. There are long and lasting meanings concerning every
portion of it. Notice particularly in chapter 6:11-13 that God
reminds Solomon that the important thing was obeying His Word, not
building a great Temple.