King Ahab has gone down in history as the most wicked king
ever to rule Israel. His wife, Jezebel, ruled him from behind the
scenes and saw to it that the worship of Baal was made the official
religion of the land. Ahab sold himself to work evil and in today’s
reading we see his sins and his final judgment.

Chapter 20 presents Ahab’s defense. In verses 1-12 he was
challenged by the king of Syria, who was assisted by 32 other kings.
The Lord intervenes to save King Ahab and his people, even though
Ahab did not deserve being saved. Finally, in verses 31-43 Satan
accomplishes his mission as he leads Ahab into a wicked compromise
with the enemy.

Chapter 21 records Ahab’s deception as he desired the
vineyard of Naboth. How terrible that lust and greed brought death
to an innocent man, just to satisfy King Ahab and his wicked wife.

In reality, King Ahab was a great soldier who could have led
Israel to victory and peace had he followed the Lord in truth; but
his alliance with Baal worship and the evil influence of his godless
wife brought him defeat. Ahab did experience the goodness of God in
the military victories, yet refused to submit himself to the Law. He
humbled himself outwardly when judgment was announced, and even then
received a stay of execution, but his shallow repentance did not
last. The years of drought and the great demonstration of God’s
glory on Mt. Carmel did not soften his hard heart. He heart one of
the greatest prophets of the Old Testament and yet did not repent!
His 22 years of reign only led the nation farther away from God.
Proverbs 29:1 tells us, “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his
neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.”