Chapter 22 records Ahab’s defeat and death; but his wicked
son, Ahaziah, reigned in his place and the nation continued in its

The Book of II Kings continues the history of the kingdoms
to their captivities. It also includes the translation of Elijah and
the ministry of Elisha.

The works of Elijah and Elisha have often been contrasted.
Elijah was a fiery prophet who suddenly appeared in a dramatic
fashion, while Elisha was a faithful pastor-prophet, who ministered
in a personal way to his people. Elijah was a solitary servant,
while Elisha enjoyed fellowship with people. Elijah was a prophet of
judgment who sought to turn the nation back to God, while Elisha was
a minister of grace who called out a remnant before the nation was

Chapter 1 records the judgment of fire and chapter 2 the
chariot of fire. We see again that it always pays to be faithful to
the calling God has given us. Elisha did receive the double portion
he requested from Elijah. He took Elijah’s mantle and trusted God
for the power he would need to continue Elijah’s work. It was one
thing to cross Jordan with Elijah, but quite another to step out on
faith by himself. Yet, when a man trusts the Lord God of Elijah, he
does not need Elijah too. Elisha did trust the Lord and his ministry
was richly blessed.

Both Elijah and Elisha allowed God to use them and they
trusted in His Word. When we trust in the Word of God our lives
become profitable for Him. Each of us should be found faithful in
following God’s will for our lives. He wants to bless us; He wants
to use us; but He cannot unless we are willing to submit ourselves
to the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us.