Chapters 6–8 record additional miracles in the ministry of
Elisha. Some were done privately for God’s people and some were done
publicly for the nation. In each case we clearly see that Elisha was
never at a loss to know God’s will, or exercise God’s power. What a
great testimony for the Christian today who is constantly alert to
the leadership of the Holy Spirit. I sincerely believe God wants all
His children to have that wholesome relationship with Him. Too often
we are guilty of depending on the flesh, but God wants us to be led
by His Holy Spirit, ever ready to witness for Him.

In chapter 6 Elisha restores the axe-head, captures the
Syrian invaders, and delivers the city from the Syrian army. Note in
chapter 7:9 that when the imprisoned citizens of Samaria heard the
good news, they rushed out and trampled the unbelieving lord under
foot. He had heard the good news, and he saw the proof of the
message, but he died before he could enjoy it. What a warning to the
sinner who delays receiving Christ. Christ stands at the heart’s
door, waiting to be invited in. The devil would want you to believe
there is no urgency in receiving Christ, but don’t be guilty of
putting off until tomorrow what should be done today. There are many
people who planned to be saved in the eleventh hour, but died at