The Book of Galatians was written by the Apostle
Paul about a.d. 58. The people of Ancient Gaul, now
known as France, founded the nation called Galatia.
These war-like tribes had migrated across Europe into
Asia Minor several centuries before the Christian era.
The word Galatia means, “the coming of the Gauls.” About
a quarter of a century before Christ was born, the
Romans made Galatia a part of one of their larger
provinces, and called the entire area Galatia. Paul had
founded the churches at Galatia about a.d. 45-48. He had
then revisited these churches on his second missionary
journey about a.d. 50, and again on his third missionary
journey about a.d. 54. Paul’s work had been extremely
successful in Galatia, and great multitudes, mostly
Gentiles, had accepted Christ. Some time after Paul
left, certain Jewish teachers began teaching that the
Gentiles could not be Christians without keeping the Law
of Moses. Many of these Galatian Christians gave heed to
these teachings and were confused concerning law and
grace. Paul’s writings to these churches were to
straighten out the Christians on these things.
In chapters 1 and 2 the key word is “Gospel.” It
is found ten times in these few verses. Paul is striving
to show that his calling came directly from Christ and
not from men. Paul was not preaching a second-hand
Gospel, but a first-hand message directly from the Lord.
In chapter 1:6-10 Paul seems to be very
disturbed that the Christians were so quickly removed
from the teachings he had brought to them. They had
received the Gospel so enthusiastically, and now false
teachers had come to their cities and they had also
believed them. Paul explains in verse 7 that there are
people who will trouble you and pervert the Gospel of
Christ. In verse 8 he says that anyone who would preach
any Gospel other than the Gospel he preached, should be
accursed. Paul repeats that statement in verse 9.
Today, in our churches, we have similar problems
with the perversion of the Gospel. We have many people
who are preaching only a partial Gospel, and combining
works, grace, and many false doctrines. God’s Word to
them, as to the Galatians, is to let them be accursed.
The grace of God, the death, burial, and resurrection of
Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. Chapter 2:16
again explains that man is not justified by the works of
the Law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. How foolish it is
for anyone to believe that he can be good enough to go
to heaven without receiving Christ.