This letter was written just a short time after
I Thessalonians, to correct some false teachings that
had come to the church relative to the coming of Christ.
I Thessalonians deals with the Rapture–Christ’s return
in the air for His Church; while II Thessalonians deals
with the revelation–Christ’s return with the Church to
the earth, to defeat His enemies and establish His
Kingdom. The “Day of the Lord” referred to in II
Thessalonians is that period of tribulation that comes
to the earth after the Church has been raptured. I
Thessalonians 1:10 and 5:9 clearly teach that the Church
will not go through the tribulation. As Paul is writing
this second letter to the church at Thessalonica, the
church was going through terrible persecution (II
Thessalonians 1:4-7), and some of the believers thought
they were already in the Day of the Lord–that awful
time of tribulation promised in the Old Testament. Paul
writes this letter to explain God’s program for the
ages, and to encourage these suffering Christians to
remain true to the Lord. He points out three great
purposes behind their suffering in chapter 1: Suffering
helps one to grow (verses 3-5); suffering prepares one
for glory (verses 6-10); suffering glorifies Christ
today (verses 11,12). This entire chapter is a great
encouragement to us, as believers, in these trying days.
The world is going downhill at a very high rate of
speed. Men do not want to hear the Word of God. It seems
the wicked are prospering, while faithful Christians are
suffering. It seems that God has forsaken His own. Not
so, says Paul. We, as believers, can rest in the fact
that God is at work in the world and will one day
vindicate His own and bring vengeance on those who have
not received His Son as their own personal Saviour.

In chapter 2 Paul explains about the Day of the
Lord and the man of sin. He says that certain events
must take place before this day of wrath and judgment
can come to the world. Paul encourages the Christians
there to keep on working, and the same challenge rings
forth to us today. Read II Timothy 3 and 4 to see what
our responsibilities are as believers in Christ in these
latter days.

Finally, in chapter 3, Paul exhorts the
Christians at Thessalonica to change their ways. It is
not enough to know about the coming of Christ, or even
to believe it; we must practice godly living in our
daily lives as if the second coming of Christ will occur
at any moment. If we really believe He is coming again,
then in all things we should live as if we may see Him
even today. His coming is imminent! The challenge to
believers in Christ is to look up, for our redemption
draweth nigh.