Chapter 11 is the great faith chapter. Faith is
described in verses 1-3. True Bible faith is not an
emotional “hope-so”; it is a real conviction based upon
the Word of God (Romans 10:17). The word “substance”
means “assurance,” and the word “evidence” means
“proof.” When the Holy Spirit gives a man faith through
the Word, the very presence of that faith in his heart
is all the assurance and evidence he needs! A great
Bible teacher once said, “Faith enables the believing
soul to treat the future as present and the invisible as
seen.” Through faith, men see what others cannot see.
When there is true faith in the heart, God bears witness
to that heart by His precious Spirit. It was by faith
that Noah saw coming judgment; Abraham saw a future
city; Joseph saw the exodus from Egypt; and Moses saw
God. Dr. Vance Havner has said, “By faith they saw the
invisible, chose the imperishable and did the
impossible.” Faith accomplishes things because there is
power in the Word of God, as illustrated by creation in
verse 3. God spoke, and it was done! God still speaks to
us, and when we believe what He says, the power of God’s
Word accomplishes things in our lives! The same Word
that acted in the old creation acts in the new creation.

Paul closes this great book with practical
admonitions for the believers. Their enemies were
saying, “If you stay true to Christ, you will lose
everything–your friends, your material goods, your
religious heritage in the Temple, sacrifices, and
priesthood.” Today, people are saying the same thing–
that if you get saved you will have to give up
everything! Paul points out to the believers that true
Christians lose nothing! By faith, the Christian turns
his back on the world and material possessions, and
fixes his eyes and heart on God. Though material rags
may fall off, we are all conquerors in Christ Jesus, and
one day we shall see Christ as He really is. It does not
yet appear what we shall be, but one day we shall be
like Him. Praise His holy name.