The seven-year Tribulation Period is covered in
chapters 6–19. In chapter 9 several critical events
will take place. The army of hell will be released
(verses 1-12); the angels at the river will be released
(verses 13-21). Once released, these angels bring into
battle armies totaling 200 million soldiers. This
satanic cavalry is not like any other army either in
appearance or in the weapons they use. Fire, brimstone,
and smoke are their chief weapons; and they also have
serpent-like tails. This is not another description of
the army in verses 1-12, since that army is forbidden to
kill. This army is commissioned to slay one-third of the

One would think that multitudes of people would
repent of their sins and turn to Christ. They do not.
Those spared continue in their awful sins. The goodness
of God in sparing them did not lead them to repentance.
Therefore, they will have to endure greater judgments in
the days to come and, ultimately, the lake of fire.

Chapter 10 introduces the middle of the
Tribulation Period. This is the time the Beast breaks
his covenant with Israel and reveals himself in his
satanic fury (Daniel 9:27). The Beast has worldwide
authority in the last 3 years of the Tribulation. Satan
is cast to earth for 3 years of awful persecution
against believers (chapter 12:12) and Jerusalem is
trodden down of the Gentiles for 3 years (chapter 11:2).

In chapter 11 we see the ministry of the two
witnesses (verses 1-14). Within these few verses we see
the time span of their ministry; the purpose of their
ministry; the persecution in the ministry; and the panic
following their ministry.

As we read of the Tribulation, we should be
stirred in the very depths of our hearts to renew our
covenant with God to live for Him and to bring others to
the saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ. Christian
people should literally believe that the Tribulation
Period is an actual future happening and not just a
fantasy. We should fall to our knees, asking God’s
forgiveness for our lackadaisical attitude toward
witnessing and then rise to go forth and spread, to the
entire world, the truth of God’s forgiveness through
Jesus Christ.

The theme of chapter 12 is conflict; the forces
of Satan opposing the people of God. Several practical
lessons are to be learned from this chapter: (1) Satan
is at war with the saints. (2) Satan is the accuser of
the brethren. The sins of the saints give Satan all the
arguments he needs before God’s throne. We have an
advocate in Christ Jesus. When we confess our sins,
Christ cleanses us, and Satan is silenced. (3) Let us
not accuse the saints, for if we do, we are fighting
Satan’s battle and not the Lord’s. (4) We must never be
guilty of opposing the Jewish race. They are God’s elect
people, and were it not for Israel, we would have no
Saviour or Bible. We must love Israel, pray for her
peace, and seek to win our Jewish friends to Christ.

In chapter 13, the two beasts are introduced.
Keep in mind the term “beasts” does not mean that these
persons were animals. They are living persons with
animal-like appetites and powers. The verses of this
chapter present the satanic trinity–Satan, the Beast
(Antichrist), and the False Prophet.

In chapter 14 we have a series of visions that
look ahead to events that will take place in the last
half of the Tribulation and after the Tribulation ends.
In verses 1-5 we have presented the establishing of the
Kingdom; in verses 6-13 the pouring out of the vials of
wrath; and, in verses 14-20, the fighting of the Battle
of Armageddon.