The Book of Leviticus is filled with pictures of
Christ and His work of redemption on the cross. The five
sacrifices in chapters 1-7 illustrate various aspects of
His life and work; and the Day of Atonement beautifully
pictures His death on the cross. Of course, we do not
practice the Levitical sacrifices today, because Christ
was the one sacrifice that paid the complete debt of
sin. Hebrews 10:14 tells us, “For by one offering he
hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.”
This book reveals the awfulness of sin–it is
not light and unimportant; it is a terrible thing in the
eyes of God. The Jewish worshiper knew sin was a costly
thing, for every sacrifice was very expensive. To atone
for your sin and mine, the cost was the death of God’s
only Son.
We also see the holiness of God in this great
book. He makes a distinction between the clean and
unclean, and warns His people, “Ye shall be holy, for I
am holy.” God still desires that His children be holy,
separated from the world and its sin. A Christian cannot
enjoy salvation if there is sin in his life. Though
Satan is constantly declaring war, as he shoots his
fiery darts of temptation at Christians, we should
remember that, “Greater is he that is in you, than he
that is in the world.” Our power over sin is only
effective as we allow the One living IN us to also live
THROUGH us–thus defeating Satan and his temptations.