Today’s reading covers the birth of Ishmael, the
changing of Abram’s name to Abraham, the Abrahamic
covenant confirmed and made everlasting, and the promise
of Isaac.

There is a practical lesson concerning the birth
of Ishmael. Rather than allowing God to work in His own
time and way, Sarah ran ahead of God. This always brings
trouble to our lives. The flesh always loves to “help”
God, while true faith is shown in patience. Sarah
doubted God’s promise that she would bear Abraham a son.
And Abraham ceased to walk in the Spirit and began to
walk in the flesh. Someone has said, “Faith is living
without scheming.” We should never doubt God’s promises.
Remember, we cannot mix faith and flesh, law and grace,
or promise and self-effort.

As Christians, we must be strong and mature so
that we might enjoy the fullness of God’s perfect plan
for our lives.