Satan tempts us to bring out the worst in us,
but God tests us to bring out the best! The most severe
tests do not come from people, but from the Lord; and
yet the greatest blessings always accompany them. It is
the saint that walks closest to the Lord that God tests
for His glory.
When God told Abraham that Isaac must be offered
as a burnt offering, He was testing Abraham’s faith.
True faith is always tested! God did not want Isaac’s
life, He wanted Abraham’s heart. Isaac was dear to
Abraham, and God wanted to be sure that Isaac was not an
idol, standing between Him and Abraham. Abraham proved
that he loved God even to the point of sacrificing his
own son. Abraham’s obedience brought joy to God, and
God’s response was one that brought joy to Abraham.
The offering of Isaac is a wonderful type of
Christ. Isaac was born miraculously to a woman too old
to bear children; Christ was also born miraculously to a
woman who had never known a man. Both Christ and Isaac
were persecuted by their brethren, and both were
obedient unto death. Isaac carried the wood for the
altar, and Christ carried the cross. Isaac questioned
his father, and Christ asked, “My God, my God, why hast
thou forsaken me?”
As Christians, we should remember that God is
never late. Just as He supplied the ram as a substitute
for Isaac, He will always supply the substitute required
when our faith is tested.