The Passover clearly illustrates salvation
through the blood of the Lamb, but there is more to the
Christian life than being saved. God was leading His
people by His own special methods–a pillar of cloud by
day and a pillar of fire by night. This is proof that
God always makes His way clear to those who are willing
to follow Him.
Israel’s experiences in their journey from Egypt
to Canaan are pictures of the battles and blessings of
the Christian life. God wanted Israel in Canaan, and
Canaan is a picture of the victorious Christian life,
the life of claiming our inheritance in Christ. Too many
Christians, like the Jews of old, are delivered from
Egypt, but they get lost in the wilderness of unbelief
and never reach the promised victorious life.
Chapters 14 and 15 record times of unbelief in
the lives of the children of Israel. They were praising
the Lord when things were going well, but began to
murmur and complain when even the smallest troubles
Most Christians today operate in the same
fashion as the Jews of old. Practically all our problems
come because we get our eyes off the Lord and on men.
The joy and victory of our Christian life ceases when we
begin walking in the flesh rather than in the Spirit. It
is then that the temptations of Satan look more
Finally, in today’s reading, the manna from
heaven is a type of Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. It
also illustrates the written Word of God on which God’s
pilgrim people feed from day to day.